Taweez Islam

Taweez islam

The is a form of prayer for spiritual and health benefits. It is practiced by a number of Muslims and Non-Muslims around the world, with the most widespread usage in the UK.

It can be used Taweez islam to resolve a variety of problems including removing curses, finding love and lifetime partners, career promotion, success in business, money, peace and harmony, separation or revenge, etc. They are also commonly used for a range of mental health issues like anxiety, depression and other psychological problems.

To make the Taweez islam effective, it is written only with special spiritual (ruhani) ink – white saffron or black ink made from tar and soot, followed by specific recitation and burning of frankincenses based on resins. All of this is done to empower the talisman and protect it from water, bad smells and other external factors which could diminish its effectiveness.

Taweez and the Islamic Perspective on Amulets

Moreover, to administer the Taweez islam, it is essential that a person has a spirtual license, which he needs to get from a trusted Sufi master who will teach him all the techniques required for the talisman. He is then allowed to bless others and help them resolve their life’s problems and struggles.

It is a form of Shirk and Polytheism and it is therefore banned by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He invoked Allah against them because they were relying on other than Allaah and defying his command and way.